
It’s winter again, so it’s time to catch up on our winter reading. First on the docket is the third go-round with my favorite book about the sea, Ocean Life in the Old Sailing Days, by Captain John Whidden.

It’s quiet here on the yard. The rich man next to me has a crew working all the time on that big mystery under the professionally built hut. That thing is not just seven or eight white tarps, a house fan blowing out, and one by sixes nailed over the cover on the exterior twenty feet tall and secured at the bottom, it also has a perpetual light and a serious number of extension cords. Or maybe he’s doing it himself and I should go investigate and possibly get the story. It looks great — and sets off my boat nicely. 

Here at Friothusibu, the bilge has been hand pumped, the drains have been snaked, and the lumber laying around from the hapless carapace hastily concocted by my ex as he ran out the door with his young honey and now wife, has been cut up into lumberettes, waiting for the spring, some of it with a hand saw, as it was too difficult to get at with a real saw.

© Joann L. Farias 2023